Class Survey

Dear Classmate:
Yes, it’s that time of decade. The moment you have been waiting for. Your chance – once every five years – to tell your Princeton Classmates all of the sensible things you think about the world, and find out what crazy ideas they have developed.
As we have done every five years since graduation, the Class of ’76 is conducting a survey, and all Classmates are encouraged to participate. Please click on the link below, and you will find yourself answering questions about what the Class of ’76 is doing now, what we think about national issues, how we spend our time, and how we feel about ourselves.
Some of the questions are new this time; others have been asked in one or more of our previous surveys. We plan to distribute the results later in the spring, and hope you will find them interesting.
Please note that this survey is confidential. Nothing you answer will ever be associated with your name. (If you are looking for everlasting fame, join the Reunions Committee.)
So please pull up a chair, fire up you mouse pad, and give us 15 minutes of your time. We really do want your opinions, and we hope you will enjoy sharing them.
If you have any questions or comments about the survey, feel free to contact me by phone (415-456-8769), or by e-mail ( Thanks in advance for your help.
Josh Libresco ‘76





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